I don't know what the success rate will be, or even whether I will have to rename my success rate later on to reflect the actual acheivement - little statistical joke there, but because this is the very beginning, it is easy to catalogue all the elements.
How I added a poll to my blog post was as follows:
I wanted my poll to appear in the form of the different themes that I had thought about for my blog background.
* So first I set each theme and used print screen to paste each image into a word document.
* Right clicking each image let me 'save as picture'
It was really easy to upload my images and add a question. Then I had to select a background.
To get it into my blog post, I clicked 'Share' and then 'Embed' and just pasted the whole thing into my blog.
The amount of html was a little bit daunting, but there you are! It worked!
*No affiliate links, no connection to this blog apart from using it to make a poll.